
We are working to harness the scientific capabilities of Bacillus and the innovative intelligence of our employees to yield results that leave this world a better place.

Interested in the Treatment of Plastics in Landfills?

We strive to create products that contribute to a better world by utilizing Bacillus to effectively address leachate and plastic pollution in landfills. 

Research and Development

Revolutionizing Waste Management

At Microbial Discovery Group, we are always looking to find innovative solutions to protect and preserve our environment. Over the past several years, our Research and Development team has investigated the use of Bacillus to remediate plastic pollution in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Some of our initiatives include the treatment of landfills, microplastics, and compostable plastics. We hope to use this research to find sustainable and cost-effective solutions to improve current waste management technologies.

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Interested in Landfill?

We strive to create products that contribute to a better world by utilizing Bacillus to effectively address leachate and plastic pollution in landfills.

Research & Development
Research and Development

Revolutionizing Waste Management

At Microbial Discovery Group, we are always looking to find innovative solutions to protect and preserve our environment. Over the past several years, our Research and Development team has investigated the use of Bacillus to remediate plastic pollution in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Some of our initiatives include the treatment of landfills, microplastics, and compostable plastics. We hope to use this research to find sustainable and cost-effective solutions to improve current waste management technologies.

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What sets us apart

Landfill Odor Reduction

Caring for the communities surrounding waste is a primary concern for any landfill owner. Bacillus work to fight the formation of key odor-causing compounds, making it an ideal short and long-term maintenance solution for many industries.

Accelerated Waste Stabilization

Through the digestion of organic matter, Bacillus products can increase space by 5-30%. More space in your landfill means more years added to the landfill lifespan and more money saved.

Leachate Treatment

Leachate is filled with toxins and suspended solids. Using Bacillus to treat leachate on-site or for recirculation can save you money while simultaneously cleaning the environment.


MDG: The Podcast

Industry Reflections


What is bioaugmentation?

At MDG, we continue to discover all the possibilities to treat wastewater with Bacillus. Through years of research and development, we’ve found that bioaugmentation is the answer for wastewater treatment. Bioaugmentation is the process of adding scientifically selected organisms to a microbial community to enhance that community. The term bioaugmentation

Pulp and Paper Lagoons Problems

It’s been a tough few years for the pulp and paper (P&P) industry. With an increase in foreign competition and a lowered demand for paper, many facilities have had to tighten their belt. One of the most probable victims of these cuts are the wastewater treatment systems. Wastewater needs

Supplying Quality: One Strain at a Time

In the large-scale liquid bacterial fermentation world, there are two primary ways to grow bacteria: as individual strains or in combination with others. At Microbial Discovery Group, we grow one strain at a time as it has served us well over the past decade. Truth be told, if I

News and Insights

The Benefits of Liquid Dosing

Many wastewater distributors are faced with finding an efficient product to combat common challenges such as sludge, fats, oils, and grease, and odors. Bacillus-based products have been proven highly effective and reliable to reduce, eliminate, and alleviate these challenges in the wastewater market. Did You Know These Products Come in

FAQs on Bacillus Strains in the I&I Market

1. How do MDG’s Bacillus strains help reduce a variety of organic materials such as debris, decaying food, human and pet waste and FOG? MDG offers Bacillus-based products with different Bacillus strains that have a wide array of capabilities. Bacillus are living organisms and need food to live and multiply. They break down and consume