Many wastewater distributors are faced with finding an efficient product to combat common challenges such as sludge, fats, oils, and grease, and odors. Bacillus-based products have been proven highly effective and reliable to reduce, eliminate, and alleviate these challenges in the wastewater market.
Did You Know These Products Come in Liquid Form?
MDG formulates liquid products that include Bacillus strains scientifically selected for their ability to degrade a broad range of organic material and reduce odors like volatile fatty acids and hydrogen sulfide. These systems include lagoons, sludge tanks, aeration basins, grease interceptors, collection systems/sewers, small wastewater treatment plants, and septic systems.
Benefits of Liquid Dosing
Liquid dosing can help keep systems in check while controlling a wastewater system regularly and with less manpower. Additionally, liquid dosing:
- Is compatible with any size pump to dispense specific volumes.
- Can be released at predetermined times allowing frequent dosing (automation).
- Improves treatment effectiveness by standardizing treatment.
- Reduces manual labor.
How We Can Help
Biotifx® Liquid Max is our highest strength and ready-to-use liquid dosing product containing 3X the number of bacteria and micronutrients as the average competitive liquid product. This liquid product is one of the most powerful and impactful products on the market. Biotifx® Liquid Max combats collection systems/sewers, lagoons, sludge tanks, aeration basins, grease interceptors, and small wastewater treatment plant challenges.
Designed to treat anaerobic environments such as collection systems, it is compatible with automation making the application process easy. It is a blend of multiple Bacillus strains with micronutrients. It has a proprietary blend of micronutrients designed to heighten both the performance of Bacillus and the indigenous bacterial population.
To learn more about Biotifx® Liquid Max, view our product catalog here.
Experience all the benefits by treating with liquid products for your next application’s treatment. To learn how to use these products, please contact MDG here. Or visit wastewater treatment programs.