As summer begins, outdoor events, construction projects, and gatherings become much more frequent, and portable toilets usually found at these locations can present a significant odor challenge. Managing those odors is essential for maintaining both public and environmental health. At MDG, we have extensive experience in microbial technologies, and our advanced biological solutions provide an innovative approach to tackling these odors effectively.

Odors Have an Impact

Odor control affects not only user comfort but also the overall acceptance and viability of portable toilets at public and commercial venues. When not properly addressed, the odors that portable toilets cause can cast the event—and potentially the portable sanitation suppliers—in a negative light. Effective odor management, on the other hand, can enhance customer satisfaction and bolster the reputation of distributors and event organizers alike.

The Impact of Our Products

Microbial solutions are a great way to combat odors, particularly in the application of portable sanitation. Unlike traditional chemical options, our biologically based treatments utilize Bacillus to digest waste materials, effectively reducing odors. A solution like this not only minimizes unpleasant smells but also contributes to a healthier environment by reducing the reliance on harsh chemical agents.

MDG’s microbial products are also created with a variety of applications in mind, so you can choose the ingredients that will work best with your formulations. Our Bacillus work continuously to degrade excess organic matter and support the native microbial populations into which they are applied. Aligning with growing environmental regulations and consumer preferences for sustainability, microbial solutions are an increasingly preferred choice among distributors like you looking to meet current market demands.

Innovative Solutions for Different Industry Needs

Each distributor faces unique challenges in managing portable toilet odors, so our approach to solving these challenges is not one-size-fits-all. We work directly with our partners to fully understand their specific needs and business goals. This collaborative process allows us to recommend and supply microbial solutions that help our distributors scale their business without sacrificing product effectiveness. Whether it’s adapting to varying climate conditions or specific event types, our solutions are designed to be effective and environmentally friendlier so that our partners can offer products with the same qualities.

Partnering with MDG

We are committed to advancing microbial technologies as a comprehensive solution that raises the entire industry’s standards. Our dedication to innovation and client success by both our R&D teams and our technical support specialists makes us a pivotal partner for distributors looking to improve their operations.

Partner with MDG to transform how odors are managed in your portable toilet offerings. Contact us today to explore our offerings and begin your journey toward using microbial solutions!

MDG is the Bacillus solution that helps you scale and streamline without sacrificing product effectiveness.