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Spring Treatment: Take Advantage of Faster Treatment

For treating wastewater systems with bioaugmentation, spring is the perfect time for treatment to begin.

During the spring months, temperatures begin to rise, increasing microbial activity. This is a time to get ahead of seasonal challenges and address greater needs for wastewater treatment.

Microbial Discovery Group’s (MDG) wastewater technical team has visited countless facilities around the world and sees the same common problems when spring approaches: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), odors, sludge, fat, oil, and grease (FOG).

Sludge & FOG

Treating in the springtime is a game-changing practice when it comes to sludge and FOG. The primary time to biologically digest and remove sludge and FOG from any system is the summertime. Seeking out locations early in spring affected by sludge and FOG, such as aeration basins, lagoons, and sludge tanks can reduce the buildup before things accumulate or worsen during warm months.

H2S & Odor

As temperatures and microbial activity increase, wastewater becomes anaerobic faster and H2S production increases. These conditions lead to excessive odors and H2S generation as seen in Figure 1. At MDG, our Bacillus bacteria can preventatively reduce the production of H2S and odors during these times. Additionally, they can reduce or prevent the need for extensive and reactive chemical treatment methods.


Figure 1: This graph shows how much H­S gas production can change over the course of a year.

As seen in Figure 1, increased H2S is a result of the boost in microbial activity during springtime. Pairing our Biotifx® treatment programs with spring offers solutions for:

  • Improved lagoon turnover
    • When the season changes the water in a lagoon will cycle water from deep to surface and can release odorous compounds or H2S, and cause solids to rise.
  • Sewer or collection system gas reduction
    • With rising temperatures comes higher odors and H2S production.
  • Reduction of FOG accumulation with faster digestion
    • Starting sludge digestion in earnest in all systems can improve the quality of treatment. Reducing FOG also reduces H2S and odor production as well as saves on clean-out costs.

This spring, use bioaugmentation products that treat effectively, build end-user confidence, and increase your customer’s ROI. You can achieve this by applying our Real Science, to a Trusted Process, yielding Proven Success.

To learn how you can take advantage of the opportunities the season has to offer, contact us and one of our wastewater representatives will reach out to you.

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