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Microbial Discovery Group (MDG) Appoints New Regional Wastewater Account Manager

FRANKLIN, WI. – Microbial Discovery Group LLC (MDG) is pleased to announce the newest addition to their Biotifx™ wastewater sales force: Luke Mickelson.  The addition will help further advance MDG’s growing collection of regional and national accounts.  Luke comes to MDG with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the wastewater field after spending the last 18 years in several different roles at a regional waste treatment company.  In addition to his tenure at WATERTECH Inc., last serving as the Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Luke has served on the AWT wastewater sub-committee and was a CEU certified water and wastewater treatment instructor, training operators on the processes of water and wastewater polymer selection and applications. Luke, a proud Idaho resident and skilled sturgeon fisherman, is joining team MDG as the Western Region Territory Account Manager where he will have a direct impact on continuing the mission of implementing bioagumentation in wastewater treatment Luke Mickelson, Western Territory Account Manager facilities.  When asked about what he is most excited about in joining MDG, Luke commented, “I am fascinated with what the microbial field offers.  I see MDG as an innovative and pioneering company that I have always wanted to be […]


Microbial Discovery Group Completes Expansion

Microbial Discovery Group (MDG) LLC celebrated the expansion of their R&D and production facility with a ribbon cutting on August 5th.  Microbial Discovery Group (MDG), founded in 2007 in their current location in Franklin, WI, needed to expand to meet demand for new opportunities for microbial-based products and solutions. MDG added a second laboratory and expanded the MDG facilities and workspaces to double the number of possible employees and accelerate the rate of technology development.  This expansion was on the heels of manufacturing expansion and processing changes that almost doubled capacity the year before.  According to MDG founder, Michael King, Ph.D., “As MDG continues to scale-up to meet demand; the number of team members has grown from 2 to 20 employees making this expansion an absolute necessity.  We needed to make room for the second laboratory but most importantly needed to house our most valuable asset, our people.”  MDG’s talented team includes scientists, engineers, technical support, production, business development and customer service. The $500,000 expansion and facility update added an additional 3500 square feet of laboratory and office space for two recently hired microbiologists, one admin position and additional interns. MDG is currently recruiting two more scientists, a production manager and a regulatory/international registration […]


Identifying Pathogenic Potential – Aquaculture America Conference: Feb 9-12th

Sona Son, Technical Manager at Microbial Discovery Group, presents a new MDG Technology Development at the Aquaculture America Conference Feb 9-12th, 2014.  See poster abstract below.  If you’re dealing with problems associated with Vibrio aquaculture pathogens, we look forward to discussing our work with you.  Please contact us at COMBINING THE USE OF WHATMAN FTA CARDS AND DIAGNOSTIC PCR ASSAYS TO DETERMINE THE PATHOGENIC POTENTIAL OF SHRIMP WATER SAMPLES SHIPPED OVERSEAS Sona Son, Amy Lange, Heather Behn and Michael King Microbial Discovery Group and JBS United Pathogenic Vibrio spp. are a major economic concern in the shrimp industry causing global losses of approximately $3 billion USD annually. To find potential Vibrio minimizing strategies, a thorough and regular study of virulent Vibrio species collected from shrimp ponds is required. Studies of virulent Vibrio from the field is impeded by changes in the microbial community during sample transport and current field testing methods that do not accurately assess Vibrio virulence. In this study, the use of Whatman FTA (fast technology for analysis of nucleic acids) cards to preserve Vibrio community DNA during transport was combined with a Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio campbellii haemolysin virulence gene based multiplex PCR assay1. Successful protocols will later give rise […]


Microbial Discovery Group Announces Continued Expansion for 2014

Microbial Discovery Group (MDG) announces continued expansion to meet demand for microbial based products and solutions. MDG Founder, Michael King, Ph.D. stated that Microbial Discovery Group is adding a second laboratory and expansion of the MDG facilities and work-spaces to double the number of possible employees and accelerate the rate of technology development. King further explained the need for expansion. “In 2013, MDG doubled fermentation output with additional downstream processing capabilities. This included the development of new proprietary freeze drying technologies and centrifugation capacity. As we continue to invest for growth, MDG’s research group is united around a passion for solving some of today’s most complex problems through the lens of innovation, experimentation and validation. This laboratory expansion will allow for additional specialization and is a critical path for accelerated development and growth”. Microbial Discovery Group excels at microbial strain isolation in solving major environmental concerns as well as progression through scale-up and large scale manufacturing.



FRANKLIN, WI. – Microbial Discovery Group LLC (MDG) announced a recent addition to the company’s Biotifx™ wastewater team to meet the needs of their growing workforce and market expansion. Dan Romanek was appointed Technical Service Manager. Dan joins MDG with previous experience in wastewater research having worked for various companies such as; Hydrite Chemical, Great Lakes Agricultural Research and Industrial Specialty Chemicals. Dan graduated from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a BS in Biology and Wright State University with a MS in Biology.  “I am really looking forward to starting my career with MDG. It is exciting and rare opportunity to grow with a company whose beliefs of innovation, customer relationship, and environmental impact reflect my own. I believe we can make a real difference at MDG and help create advances towards our market and technological goals,” Dan commented. “We are very fortunate to have Dan join the MDG team and we look forward to seeing them utilize their talents and energy in the wastewater division.”  – Ardean Veldkamp Please welcome Dan Romanek to the MDG team. ### About Microbial Discovery Group Microbial Discovery Group is a Bacillus fermentation company focused on the commercialization of microbials for wastewater, bioremediation, aquaculture, consumer and […]


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