The Expanding Bacillus Market

The Expanding Bacillus Market

As a follow up to the article “The Key Drivers Behind MDG’s Current Expansion,” I’d like to take this opportunity to talk more extensively about the expanding Bacillus market. Previously, I eluded that many of the current market opportunities were due to the increased...
The ONE Thing

The ONE Thing

I love the scene in City Slickers where Jack Palance tells Billy Crystal “the secret to life is finding that ONE thing.” Billy asks, “What is that ONE thing?” Jack smiles and says “that’s what you have to find out!” Then Billy has to begin his odyssey to find that ONE...
The Benefits of Fermentation Redundancy

The Benefits of Fermentation Redundancy

It is an exciting day signing a multi-year fermentation contract! After the ink dries and celebrations conclude, I’ve learned it’s time to quickly review both redundancy and contingency plans for worst case scenarios. This is how we can guarantee on-time delivery....