It is an exciting day signing a multi-year fermentation contract! After the ink dries and celebrations conclude, I’ve learned it’s time to quickly review both redundancy and contingency plans for worst case scenarios. This is how we can guarantee on-time delivery....
Keeping customers through effective biological solutions. I remember as a child, a sign at the dentist’s office that said “You don’t have to floss all your teeth, just the one’s you want to keep”. It reminds me of the biological business. In today’s economy, every...
What’s all the fascination with domination? I have heard a lot of folks lately trying to dominate wastewater with our microbes. I would say I have had at least 5 questions about it this month alone. We even had a customer whose customer tried to plate their waste and...
One of the hardest things to do in this business is to tell a customer that the great liquid product idea they are so excited about is at least 3-6 months away from commercialization. Nothing deflates them faster and I don’t enjoy sharing the news, but it has to be...
MDG has made continuous advances in molecular methods for the aquaculture industry. Over the last year, we presented three posters that focus on how these methods provide better insight for your customers. Thanks for all of those who dropped by our poster at the World...
Join our technical expert Jennifer Cray on Wednesday, November 13, at 2:00 PM CST to hear about using microbial solutions to overcome odors in the Industrial and Institutional markets.