Join our technical experts Jennifer Cray and Josiah Menako on Wednesday, February 26, at 1:00 P.M. CST to hear about microbial ecology in wastewater systems.
For many of us, our day-to-day lives have changed quite a bit since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. We learned how to work from home, physically distance, use Zoom, cook homemade meals and use lots and lots of sanitizers and disinfectants. With the increased...
Many of us know what happens when you mistakenly under-preserve a biological product: the bottles start to bulge or suck-in (the latter can also be caused by fragrance issues), fungal growth starts to appear or it starts to have an unpleasant odor. But do you know...
When selling microbial products and programs, you’ll inevitably encounter a customer that says, “I’ve tried something like that before and it didn’t work”. This kind of experience often links back to one of four common mistakes that were made prior to or during...
Before we walk through how to help your customers optimize their WAS holding systems, it’s important to understand how they work. How does a WAS Holding System work? Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) holding systems are a common part of operations in wastewater treatment...
Earlier in this article series, we touched on how bioaugmentation treatments for wastewater have been around for 50+ years to help resolve toxic upsets. We also explored how Bacillus, a certain genus of bacteria that can be used in microbial treatments, are resilient...